Support Metro Transit; Vote Yes On Proposition 1

Residents of Victory Heights who support a sustainable city with convenient bus service should vote for Proposition 1 in the special election this month (ballots should be arriving in your mail box any day now). As we wrote last year, if funding is not restored to Metro Transit, Victory Heights would lose direct bus service to downtown. The 72 bus would be eliminated completely, and the 73 would be moved west to Roosevelt Way. In order to get downtown, you would need to transfer from a 372 in the U District to another bus.
Those who oppose Proposition 1 have only one answer to congestion: build more roads. That may work on the eastside but there is nowhere in Seattle to put more roads. And nobody is in favor of additional freeways, like the RH Thompson Expressway proposal which was canceled in the 1960s.
Fewer buses mean more cars and that is only going to make traffic worse. Support Proposition 1, keep buses rolling and transit as a viable transportation option here in Seattle.
The Stranger’s Editorial

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