Live Near Thornton Creek? Get Free Improvement Grants

The Adopt A Stream Foundation is in the second year of a three-year grant to do improvements around Thornton Creek. If you are a homeowner who has any part of their property within 35 feet of the creek you are eligible for a free assessment of your property and if you want, they will help pay for improvements such as erosion abatement, evasive species control, lawn replacement with native species, or even a rain garden (one is already going in at the end of Elshin Place under the 15th Avenue NE bridge).
Read the complete minutes of this month’s Victory Heights Community Council meeting.
Working from funding from the Washington State Department of Ecology, Adopt A Stream is joining with the Thornton Creek Alliance to identify eligible properties and contact homeowners about this terrific program. To learn more, contact Les Meade, an ecologist at Adopt A Stream:
In other business from last night’s meeting of the Community Council, there are plans to make the annual neighborhood block party a separate event from August’s Neighborhood Night Out, and concern about pedestrian safety crossing 15th Avenue NE just north of the bridge.
Next month’s meeting on February 16th will feature a return of the Parks Department with designs for new park improvements coming in 2016. Don’t miss it!

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