Despite Rain, Emergency Communications Drill A Success

Despite steady rain all morning, on Saturday the Victory Heights Community Council successfully hosted a drill for our emergency communications HUB in Victory Heights Park. Part of a city-wide drill, “No Power, No Bars,” to simulate an area-wide prolonged power outage, pop-up tents were set up in the tennis court area for our HUB.  Nearby, amateur radio operators had their own area set up to receive messages being broadcast by the city, and to communicate with other HUBs.
Volunteers trickled in all morning to work the various HUB operations, as well as participating in mock “needs” that the workers would attempt to resolve. This was a good way to simulate what would happen during an actual crisis.
The HUB is not intended to provide first-aid or any type of physical supplies in the case of an emergency, but rather to allow members of the community to communicate with each other, by hooking up people with resources with people who have needs.  Hopefully most people have prepared with enough provisions to ride out an event where outside help might be days or weeks from coming.  Here are some tips to get started.
The supplies in the HUB, which are stored in the park, were supplied by the city thanks to a matching grant we received last year.  We are currently running a GoFundMe to help supplement supplies.  Thanks to everyone who participated and ignored the rain!
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