There will be an Easter Egg hunt held in Victory Heights Park at 1 PM on Sunday, April 21st, sponsored by the co-op preschool.
Read the complete minutes of the Victory Heights Community Council Meeting.
Speakers at the April meeting included Jim Holmes from the Office of Planning & Community Development, about how the public can participate and mold discussion about the areas surrounding the new link light rail stations at NE 130th and NE 145th Streets. Starting in June, there will be extensive public meetings to discuss how housing, biking, parks and other amenities will be developed around the stations.
We also heard from a representative from City Light who had a handout showing power outages in Victory Heights over the past 18 months (surprise, it’s usually trees, or as happened often in February, snow). He talked about what the city does to prevent tree damage and how Mylar balloons are the scourge of power lines.
In addition to the Easter Egg hunt on the 28th, here are upcoming events in our neighborhood:
Saturday, June 1st: Emergency Communications HUB drill. This city-wide drill will test our emergency responsiveness from our own little HUB in the park by the tennis courts. Starts at 9 AM.
Saturday, June 15th: Victory Heights Yard Sale! Deal from your own yard or bring your wares to NE 106th Street next to the park. We’ll have maps showing all locations for those who register with us.
Alas, the homeless have moved back under the 15th Avenue NE bridge again. Feel free to report them on the Find It, Fix It app to encourage the city’s Navigation Team to come and deal with it.
Our next meeting is Tuesday, May 21st, everyone is welcome. Speakers to be announced.
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