Food Truck Fridays are over for the year, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t thinking about the future. Please help us by answering this survey about how to improve things next year:
Read the complete minutes of the October meeting of the Victory Heights Community Council.
Upcoming events:
Saturday, October 15th: Community Disaster Practice: Learn how Victory Heights prepares for an emergency with this HUB drill, and how amateur radio groups will help keep us in contact with the outside world. In Victory Heights Park, 2 PM to 4 PM.
Monday, October 17th: Victory Heights Community Council Meeting. We’re back on Zoom, subscribe to our email list to get links sent right to your inbox.
Sunday, November 13th (New date!): Chili Cook Off and Cookie Fest. Last year our first annual chili cook off was a huge success, so we’re doing it again (now with cookies!). Let us know if you’d like to enter, and be sure to come by and sample all the wares (and vote for your favorite). 19th Avenue NE across from the park, 3 PM to 5 PM. (The Seahawks play at 6:30 AM that day, you won’t miss the game!)