At the September meeting of the Victory Heights Community Council, Seattle Public Utilities and their contractor did a presentation about the upcoming revision to 23rd Avenue NE that will add natural drainage on the west side, and parking and sidewalks (!) on the east side, from NE 104th Way to Northgate Way.
Read the complete minutes of the Community Council Meeting.
Scheduled to begin work in mid-October (as part of four such roadway reconstructions around the south fork of Thornton Creek), 23rd Avenue NE will be reduced from a wide raceway-like stretch to a much narrower street with parking on one side and the drainage system on the other (you can see examples of this in Pinehurst on 23rd Avenue north of NE 113th Street). You can read the city’s proposal in this PDF.
Also at the meeting we reviewed this year’s Food Truck Fridays (watch for a survey for how to improve it for next year), plans are afoot for a 3rd annual Chili Cookoff sometime in the autumn, and dog parade called (wait for it…) Victory Barks.
And mark your calendars for the return of Victory Frights, this time, “The Conjuring,” on Halloween night, October 31st staring at 4:30 PM. There will be spooky decorations and a chance to hand out your candy to the 100+ kids that are expected to come. It will be on 19th Avenue NE across from the park with the street closed down like during Food Truck Fridays.