The annual Victory Frights Halloween party is coming, but we need volunteers! Sign up here to help close the street, put out extension cords, and hand out candy to the neighborhood kids.
Read the entire minutes of the October Victory Heights Community Council meeting.
Victory Frights will again be held on Tuesday, October 31st from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM on 19th Avenue NE across from Victory Heights Park (where the food trucks were parked each week). The street will be closed down, there will be decorations, and everyone is encouraged to come here to distribute candy in one easy location rather than waiting for stragglers to come by your front door. Over 100 kids participated last year. But we need volunteers too, these events (like the Ice Cream Social, Winterfest, Chili Cook Off, and Food Truck Fridays) do not just happen by magic, nor are they run by invisible elves. Everything in this neighborhood is put on by volunteers just like you, so if you want to see these types of events continue, please sign up to help. Most jobs take less than 10 minutes, it’s not a huge commitment.
A few days before that, Pinehurst will be hosting its annual Doggo and Kiddo Halloween Parade on Sunday, October 29th starting at 11 AM. We’ll be kicking off our annual sock drive there as well if you are going, or find the dropbox that will be under the bulletin board in Victory Heights Park during all November. New clean socks only, please.
The 3rd Annual Chili Cook Off will be (note: new date): Saturday, November 11th from 3 PM to 5 PM on 19th Avenue NE across from the park. Cooks, we need you to sign up and bring a crockpot of your favorite recipe. And volunteers are needed for setup and breakdown too. Sign up here.
Another Neighbor Labor is scheduled for December 2nd to work on 19th Avenue NE and Goodwin from 9-11 AM. Sign up here.