Victory Frights returns yet again this year, on Thursday, October 31st from 5 PM to 7 PM when 19th Avenue NE (across from the park–where the food trucks usually are) will be shut down to allow trick-or-treaters to stroll around and collect candy from one central location free from traffic. Bring the whole family. And be sure to check out the many great yard displays, some of which are even scarier in the dark!
Here are some great ways to participate:
– Pass out treats! Neighbors are invited to bring a chair and treats to hand-out along 19th Avenue on Halloween night. In the past, neighbors have brought candy, Pokemon cards, dog treats, and crafts – we encourage neighbors to be creative! Tables and chairs are available on a first come first serve basis.
– Donate candy! Any candy contributions will be divided among neighbors along 19th Ave to share with young goblins and ghosts.
– Help set up! While staging will begin a week in advance, we could use help setting up lights, luminaries, inflatables and Halloween Tree decorations & photo backdrop from 4-5pm on 10/31.
– Help tear down! We appreciate any help collecting luminaries, inflatables, extension cords and other accessories and decorations from 7-8pm.
If you’re available to help out in any way, please SIGN-UP HERE.
See you soon!