Join In On Neighborhood Cleanup May 25th

Ardith Lupton, President of the Victory Heights Community Council, is organizing a neighborhood cleanup on Saturday, May 25th.  She has ordered supplies for one dozen volunteers to help clean up the neighborhood.  The kits include paint for graffiti removal, grabbers to pick up trash and trash bags along with vests.
Despite being over the Memorial Day holiday weekend, she says, “Hopefully there will be plenty of neighbors who will stay ‘in Town’ and want to participate.”
Unfortunately, it does not include improving the traffic circles and replanting flowers, etc., although residents could vote at Tuesday’s meeting about spending some money from the treasury to purchase flowers for select circles if someone wants to do some planting.
Ardith will be the point person and will meet volunteers in front of the Pre-school building in Victory Heights Park at 9 am on the 25th to get started.

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