September Victory Heights Events Calendar

Here are activities occurring this month in and around Victory Heights:
Sunday, September 4th: Pinehurst Adopt-A-Street Litter Pickup. Volunteers will be picking up trash in the Pinehurst neighborhood along Pinehurst Way and also on NE 115th Street from 20th Avenue NE and Pinehurst Way. 10 AM.
Thursday, September 8th: Kombucha Workshop. Learn how to home-brew kombucha (a fermented beverage made from tea, sugar and a starter culture) from a Seattle Tilth certified instructor. Lake City Farmer’s Market, NE 125th Street & 28th Avenue NE, 4 PM – 5:30.
Saturday, September 10th – 11th: Arts North Studio Tour. The Arts North! Studio Tour is a self-guided tour that includes 10 studios and over 30 artist. Enjoy the opportunity to see a wide variety of arts and crafts, chat with the artists and sample appetizers and sweets. 10 AM – 5 PM both days. Maps available at all studios or on the website.
Monday, September 12th: Community Discussion on Gun Violence. State Senator David Frockt will appear at this “quick brainstorming exercise” that “is not a rant session to bash guns or the NRA, but conversation for anyone interested in reducing senseless and violent shootings.” Lake City Library, 6 PM.
Tuesday, September 20th: Victory Heights Community Council Meeting. Election time! We need to vote for a new President and anyone willing to become a board member. It’s less work than you think, and a great way to get involved in the community. The Co-op preschool building in Victory Heights Park, 7 PM. Bring a chair.
Don’t forget the Lake City Farmer’s Market is every Thursday afternoon at the library, and the play street closures on 23rd Avenue NE each Sunday.

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