How To Safely Support Your Neighbors

SUPPORTING NEIGHBORS who are choosing to reduce their exposure by staying home

  • Neighbors, DO NOT participate if you are not feeling well (fever, dry cough, etc.) – NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • This is not meant to cover situations where someone has been exposed to, or tested positive, for the corona virus.  Contact authorities for guidance if that’s the case.
  • Say hello and converse from at least 6 feet away.
  • If money needs to exchange hands during this process, find a way to avoid handling bills or coins.  Bills and coins are handled by many people during a day.
    • IOU?  PayPal?  Check?
  Neighbor   Person at Home
Checking in Ring the doorbell/knock and move back (6’ away from the door)
Maintain the 6’ distance
Chat, exchange pleasantries, etc.
Go home and wash your hands thoroughly Count to 20 slowly while rubbing with soap and water
Dry hands with clean paper towel and discard right away  
Answer the door when you know your neighbor has had a chance to back up
Maintain the 6’ distance
Chat, exchange pleasantries, make a request, thank them for stopping by, etc.
Wash your hands thoroughly
Count to 20 slowly while rubbing with soap and water
Dry hands with clean paper towel and discard right away      
Grocery delivery Ring the doorbell/knock and move back (6’ away from the door)
Maintain the 6’ distance
Chat, exchange pleasantries, etc.
Go home and wash your hands thoroughly
Count to 20 slowly while rubbing with soap and water
Dry hands with clean paper towel and discard right away  
Answer the door when you know your neighbor has had a chance to put the bags down and back up
Maintain the 6’ distance
Chat, exchange pleasantries, thank them, etc.
Bring the bags into the house and wash your hands thoroughly
Count to 20 slowly while rubbing with soap and water
Dry hands with clean paper towel and discard right away
Wash fresh fruit/vegetables thoroughly under cold running water
Put groceries away
Wash your hands thoroughly
Count to 20 slowly while rubbing with soap and water
Dry hands with clean paper towel and discard right away
Medication delivery Ring the doorbell/knock and move back (6’ away from the door)
Maintain the 6’ distance
Chat, exchange pleasantries, etc.
Go home and wash your hands thoroughly Count to 20 slowly while rubbing with soap and water
Dry hands with clean paper towel and discard right away  
Answer the door when you know your neighbor has had a chance to put the pharmacy bag down and back up
Maintain the 6’ distance
Chat, exchange pleasantries, thank them, etc.
Bring the bag into the house and wash your hands thoroughly
Count to 20 slowly while rubbing with soap and water
Dry hands with clean paper towel and discard right away
Get out a disinfecting solution and place it near the sink
Follow the directions on your bleach bottle to make a disinfecting solution – OR –
Use a commercially manufactured disinfectant approved for food contact surfaces
Open the bag and put the medication bottle in the sink
Spray the bottle on all sides with the disinfecting solution and let it air dry   Go to another sink and wash your hands thoroughly
Count to 20 slowly while rubbing with soap and water
Dry hands with clean paper towel and discard right away
Once the medication bottle has been disinfected, put it away with your other medication bottles like normal   *  This might seem excessive but eventually you’re going to put these medications into your mouth, eyes, etc.  You don’t want to accidentally introduce a virus into your system.    
Pet walking Encourage everyone to walk their own pets – just avoid crowded areas.  And maintain a little more distance than usual when stopping to chat with neighbors.  

Created by the Seattle Emergency Communications Hubs (pending revalidation from City of Seattle Joint Information Center)

Version date: March 15, 2020

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