Beaver Pond Natural Area Opportunity Fund Grant Community Meetings & Other Upcoming Events

We have a few events to share with you today. Seattle Parks has set the two
dates for the Beaver Pond Natural Area Opportunity Fund grant community
meetings. (As you may know, Thornton Creek Alliance has obtained a $500K
grant for this natural area east of Northgate Mall.) These meetings will be
your opportunity learn all about the plans so far and share your vision for
the park and what you would like to see improved. Please come if you can.
The more ideas we have on the table the better our project will be, and the
more valuable the park will be to the community! For more information about
the grant you can click here
Beaver Pond Natural Area Naturalizing Northgate Project Information
1) Jan. 11, 1012 (Wed.); 7:00pm-9:00pm; Northgate Community Center
2) Mar. 14, 2012 (Wed.); 7:00pm-9:00pm; Northgate Community Center

Nathan Hale High School riparian restoration work party: December 10th,
Sat., 1:30pm – The task will be weeding out invasive weeds from among the
newly planted natives. The meeting place is the south parking lot of the
school, off of 30th Ave NE and 110th Ave, the parking lot by the tennis
courts and ball fields. Some tools will be available, but if you have your
own, please bring them. Also your water bottle. Please RSVP to Mary Sue
Walker ( if you can attend.
And please keep your gloves out for two work parties at Beaver Pond NA
Northgate Mall. We have plants to put in the ground!
December 11th, Sun., 10:00-1:00 – We’ll meet on the north side of the beaver
pond (8th Ave. NE & NE 106th St.)
January 8th, Sun., 10:00-1:00 – We’ll meet on the south side of the beaver
pond (8th Ave. NE & NE 105th St.)
As usual: tools, gloves, snacks, and hot beverages will be provided. Watch
for the Wood Ducks and Hooded Mergansers in breeding plumage! Please bring
your water bottle, dress for the weather and wear sturdy shoes. Questions:
E-mail or phone 206-930-8965.
See you soon!
Ruth Williams

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