CleanScapes Accepting Project Proposals Through April 15th

At last night’s meeting of the Victory Heights Community Council, representatives from CleanScapes described in detail the process of awarding the $50,000 our neighborhood (shared with Lake City, Northgate, Pinehurst and Maple Leaf) received for reducing our waste last year (down 8.37% from 2012–woo hoo!).
Read the full minutes from the January Meeting.
While anyone in Seattle can propose a community improvement project, it must be located in the “Thursday North” collection area and “visible and easily accessible to the public.” The deadline for proposals is April 15, 2014, and afterwards in May and June, a selection committee made of representatives from each neighborhood’s community council will make the final determination of which projects to award the money to. Full details about the selection process can be found here, and a FAQ is available from CleanScapes here. If you have any good ideas, please bring them to future meetings of the Community Council or submit them on your own.
Other business at the meeting included the Seattle Police Department’s Community Police Academy Program, a free series of 11 meetings on Thursday evenings beginning March 13th to help residents become “familiar with various facets of the Seattle Police Department and gain insight into law enforcement’s role in the criminal justice system and the daily work of police employees.” Applications to participate are due in by January 31st.  More info at:
There will be a meeting of the Parks Legacy Committee on January 30th at the Bitter Lake Community Center at 7 PM in order to show support for improved staffing and getting more funding for the Lake City Community Center which is in woeful shape. Currently Lake City is only one of three in the system not staffed by the Parks Department and is so outmoded that it has no sports courts and no elevator.
The Lake City farmer’s market is looking for support this summer (i.e. come and shop!) when it resumes on Thursdays in June with new 3-7 PM hours.
And plans are afoot to replicate the success of last year’s Neighborhood Night Out, scheduled for August 5th, 2014.
The next meeting of the Community Council will be on Tuesday, February 18th, 2014 starting at 7 PM at the Preschool Building in Victory Heights Park.

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