Victory Heights Summer Events Calendar

Here are things in and around our neighborhood coming up this summer:
Wednesday, May 24th: Lake City Future First will host a free conversation about the state of homelessness in Lake City. 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. at the Lake City Community Center, 12531 28th AVE NE, Seattle.
Thursday, June 8th: Lake City Farmers Market. Fresh produce, artist wares, events for the kids. Every Thursday through October 8th, 3 – 7 PM, 28th Avenue NE & NE 125th Street, next to the library.
Tuesday, June 20th: Victory Heights Community Council meeting. Katie Bang from the Parks Department will talk about the renovation project in the park. 7 – 8 PM, Co-op preschool in Victory Heights Park.
Tuesday, July 11th: Block Leaders Meeting. There will be a meeting in Victory Heights for active neighborhood organizers to maximize their effort during…
Tuesday, July 18th: Victory Heights Ice Cream Social. Our annual gathering of neighborhood families for pot luck, free ice cream, and information sharing. 6 PM on NE 106th Street, just west of Victory Heights park.
Saturday and Sunday, July 22-23: Prep for Disaster Drill.  Before the city does its drill the following weekend, we’ll organize the emergency communications HUB.
Saturday, July 29th: Disaster Drill. The city will hold a drill and here in Victory Heights we’ll set up the emergency communications HUB and practice our procedures.

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