"Socktober" Huge Success

Donations of new socks fill a table.

“Socktober,” a drive to get donated new socks and clothes for the homeless, was a huge success at the October Victory Heights Community Council meeting.
Read the entire minutes of this month’s meeting.
115 pairs of new socks were collected, as well as 8 winter coats, 10 gloves, 9 hats and 7 scarves. Great work, Victory Heights!
This month’s speaker at the meeting was Scott Thomsen, from Seattle City Light, about the new “advanced” power meters that will be installed in houses around Victory Heights starting in January 2018. This city-wide $95 million upgrade will replace the 1950s technology “spinning wheel” electro-mechanical meters that have been in use until now. The new “advanced” units will use Wi-Fi to send updates six times a day of your power usage which eventually (ETA December 2018) will enable users to see their real-time power consumption and perhaps adapt accordingly. It will also help City Light pinpoint power outages faster, bill more accurately, and allow for faster reconnection service. Multiple notices will be sent to each household prior to the switch over at your house, the actual work will only take 5 minutes when the power will be cut off.
You might have noticed the gardening efforts on a traffic circle near you. Seven hundred flower bulbs have been purchased (part of our grant from the city) and are being planted. Next Spring we will have a neighborhood walk to see all the beautiful flowers come up.

Have you seen me?

Two of our Victory Heights yard signs have gone missing. One was on 15th Avenue NE, the other on 23rd Avenue NE.  Please contact us if you have any information regarding their whereabouts.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 21st at 7 PM at the co-op preschool in Victory Heights Park. We hope to see you there!

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