Victory Heights November Events Calendar

Here’s what is coming up in the month of November in and around Victory Heights.

Monday, November 18th: Seattle Police Burglary Prevention Class. Attendees will learn about current burglary trends in their area, how to secure their home to reduce the likelihood of a burglary, and what
to do if they have been a victim of a burglary. The class will be instructed by the North Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator, Mary Amberg. 7 PM – 9 PM, Co-op preschool building in Victory Heights Park. Please register to attend at…

Tuesday, November 19th: Victory Heights Community Council Meeting. Bring new socks for our sock drive tonight. 7 PM – 8 PM, co-op preschool building in Victory Heights Park.

Friday, November 29th: Black Friday, also, put your garbage out on FRIDAY this week in Victory Heights as there will be no pick-up on Thanksgiving.

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