The long-gestating bike/pedestrian bridge across Interstate 5 that will connect the new Link Light Rail station with North Seattle College finally had its final piece assembled last night. Building a bridge over an active freeway is always a challenge, and the contractors built the forms in the medians and then with two early Sunday-morning freeway closures, were able to hoist them into position.

When the light rail station opens in October 2021, the new bridge will allow pedestrians and bicyclists from the west side of I-5 to easily cross and either directly enter the station or take a ramp down to 1st Avenue NE.
Sound Transit hosted many, many open houses over the years featuring many different design specs, but funding was always a problem, and it wasn’t assured there would be a bridge built at all by the time the first trains began running.

In other news, the Victory Heights Community Council announced the huge success of the neighborhood-wide yard sale last weekend, with 40 houses participating and perfect weather in an otherwise wet weekend.
Read the entire minutes of the June Victory Heights Community Council.
The Lake City Farmers Market is back in 2021, starting every Thursday beginning July 1st next to the Lake City Library from 3 PM to 7 PM.
Food Truck Fridays continue each week in Victory Heights Park from 11 AM to 2 PM. See our Facebook page for vendor details each week.
Mayor Mondays keeps adding more candidates which will take us up to the eve of Primary Day in August. 6 PM on Zoom each Monday with a new candidate. Lance Randall will be appearing on June 21st.
The Potluck/Ice Cream Social is tentatively scheduled this year for July 20th from 6-8 PM on NE 106th Street next to Victory Heights Park. At this moment officially the city isn’t allowing groups larger than 50 to congregate but all that is set to change on June 30th when all pandemic restrictions are due to be lifted in King County, and we hope to obtain a permit from the city to close the street and have our large gathering.
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