Aug 6th Neighborhood Night Out To Feature Ice Cream Social

At last night’s monthly meeting of the Victory Heights Community Council, it was announced it had received a $300 matching grant from the city to help put on our Neighborhood Night Out on Tuesday, August 6th. In addition to being a potluck (bring your own food) event, the Council will be providing free ice cream with toppings for everyone, and toys for the kids. The grant will also pay for bowls, plates, trash bags, and fliers to be distributed to every home in the neighborhood to let people know about the event.
Read the complete minutes of the July meeting.
The Neighborhood Night Out is sponsored by the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, and encourages us to “get to know your neighbors.” There will also be tables with fliers on emergency preparedness, upcoming local walking tours, and to take your suggestions for future activities.
Other items discussed at last night’s meeting included the recent vote by the North District Council to allocate funds for a traffic circle on 23rd Avenue NE. How one person recovered their stolen laptop using technology and social media. A report from the Emergency Preparedness Committee to organize each block and receive training from the city. Also, the homeless encampment under the 15th Avenue NE bridge was cleared out by the city in late June.
Due to the Neighborhood Night Out event in August, there won’t be a meeting next month of the Community Council. The next meeting will be September 17th at the Co-op Preschool Building in the park.
More to come about the exciting Neighborhood Night Out event in the weeks to come!
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