Community Council Focuses On Emergency Preparedness

Last night’s monthly meeting of the Victory Heights Community Council focused on emergency preparedness. Cheryl Dyer, a volunteer from the City’s Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepared (SNAP), gave a talk about how to prepare for a disaster that might cut off electricity, water, gas, and possibly food.
Read the full minutes of the November meeting.
If you live in Victory Heights, you might soon be visited by a block captain who can give you literature from the city about what steps to take in advance of an emergency, as well as what to do in the immediate aftermath. The city will also hold, block by block (as organized by the captains), one-hour presentations where they boil all the information into the essentials. It is emphasized over and over, in case of a catastrophic disaster (particularly an earthquake, but the recent power outage after the windstorm shows what can happen) residents would be left to fend for themselves, perhaps for days maybe a week, before outside assistance could arrive. It’s imperative for each household to have enough water, food, light sources, and a way to keep warm and dry for several days.
Other items discussed at last night’s meeting was the new Little Free Library that has been installed on NE 106th just west of the park. A second is coming soon to 23rd Avenue NE. Holiday Caroling will return in December to Victory Heights, stay tuned for details. And stolen mail from boxes on Goodwin Way prompts reminders that residents should use locked mail boxes.
The next meeting with be on Tuesday, December 17th.

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