Parks Dept Says They'll Need SDOT Help To Fix Fence

parkfenceThe stretch of broken fence along the 19th Avenue NE side of Victory Heights Park will finally get some attention this summer via an alliance by two city departments. At last night’s meeting of the Victory Heights Community Council, newly elected President Victor Hernandez said he had spoken with Chris Johnson at Seattle Parks & Recreation. Johnson said he was aware of the issue of the fence (which has been that way since last November) but that Parks alone couldn’t “find time or budget” in order to get it fixed anytime before this autumn. But, teaming up with the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) to do the work, the hope is to have something by July.
Read the complete minutes of the April Community Council meeting.
Special bonus: Minutes of last month’s meeting.
Other highlights from last night’s meeting include a reminder of Saturday’s May Day basket making party (maybe next year if there’s interest we can put up a May Pole in the park as a fun family event), an April 29th “Community Conversation” in Lake City about the future of urban design there (see for details), and a District 5 city council candidates forum at Jane Addams school on May 18th.
Don’t forget the Lake City Farmer’s Market starts up again on June 11th. Building on last year’s success, it will feature revolving food trucks, wine tastings, beer, and musicians. And lots of fresh veggies too!
The next meeting of the Community Council will be Tuesday, May 19th, when the speaker will be Art Brochet, SDOT’s communications representative who will provide the latest updates on the Northgate Pedestrian and Bicycle Project. We hope to see you there!

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  1. Pingback: Parks Department Repairs Fence | Victory Heights Blog

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