Upcoming Events Calendar

Here are some events around our area that might be of interest to residents of Victory Heights:
Monday, April 28th: Pinehurst School Building Meeting, in the school library, 11530 12th Avenue NE, 6:30 PM. The school district wants to demolish the old Pinehurst School and build a new one in the same location but needs a construction waiver. Find out more.
Saturday, May 3rd: Pet First Aid & CPR Class. 11 AM. All pet owners will at some point experience an injury or emergency with their cat or dog. This class teaches you how to take critical first steps to helping your pet through such an emergency and possibly save its life. RSVP to the above link.
Tuesday, May 13th: Thornton Creek Confluence Information Session, Meadowbrook Community Center, 10517 35th Avenue NE, 5:30 PM – 7 PM. Drop in to this informal meeting to learn more about the construction project on 35th Avenue that will close the street for several months to make improvements to Thornton Creek.
Saturday, May 17th: Seattle Emergency Communications Hubs Practice Drill, 9 AM, Lake City Fred Meyer parking lot. Volunteer to be a “victim” as part of a volunteer training exercise. For more info: contact Cindi Barker at cbarker@qwest.net.
Tuesday, May 20th: Victory Heights Community Council Meeting, 7 PM, Pre-School Building in the Park. Our regular monthly meeting, everyone welcome!

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