Victory Heights Neighborhood Night Out Attracts Over 100

nightout01Tuesday night’s Neighborhood Night Out in Victory Heights, held on NE 106th Street next to the park, was a huge success with over 100 attendees. The street was closed off by 6 PM and the tables were set up as people began arriving with their amazing potluck dishes. Kids were given free toys and everyone got to eat the vast supplies of ice cream provided for free (thanks to a city matching grant).
Attendees included a woman who just moved in across from the park four weeks ago; a couple who have lived in Victory Heights for 30 years; and a man now living in the house his parents purchased in 1955 who remembers attending the co-op pre-school in the park that year! He also told a great story about how NE Elshin Place was named (a Russian named Elshin was living there and agreed to pay to have the dirt road paved if they named it after him!).
nightout03Five long tables were covered with food that included salads, chili, chicken, and even some desserts. Most of it was gone by the time things began to be packed up around 8 PM. There were display tables for the Thornton Creek Alliance, petition drives, the Victory Heights Community Council, and for emergency preparedness. Thomas Whittemore from the city’s Department of Neighborhoods dropped by for a while, as well as someone from the city’s Emergency Preparedness division. I also spoke to several residents who said some variation on, “We have a blog?” (I hope you found us!)
nightout02The kids especially loved the ice cream and took great delight in adding their own toppings including chocolate syrup and M&Ms. We still had three large tubs leftover by the end of the evening, but better that than running out early!
Everyone had a great time, talking and meeting with each other. Hopefully some new folks will come to the next Community Council meeting (September 17th), keep visiting the blog, or join our Facebook group. We’ll definitely be doing this again next year, thanks for the great turn-out, everyone!
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3 Responses to Victory Heights Neighborhood Night Out Attracts Over 100

  1. Pingback: CleanScapes Accepting Project Proposals Through April 15th | Victory Heights Blog

  2. Pingback: More CleanScapes Award Proposals | Victory Heights Blog

  3. Pingback: The Countdown to Neighborhood Night Out Begins | Victory Heights Blog

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