The loop path will go around the field. The paved court in the foreground will be replaced as part of the renovation.
The renovation of Victory Heights Park which is scheduled to begin this summer will include the often-requested loop path around the perimeter of the park. Katie Bang, the Capital Projects Coordinator for the Seattle Parks Department, said in an email, “We were able to accept the additional drainage and loop path which also wasn’t part of the original scope but was expressed as highly desired items by the community.” It was hoped that the fence along 19th Avenue NE could be replaced (you might recall a damaged portion of it took several years to get fixed) but Katie said regarding the fence, “These additional items stretched our dollars as far as they would go for this renovation,” and would not include the fence.
The short loop around the park will be a paved path with drainage. Walking the length of it won’t be quite like going around Green Lake, the small confines of Victory Heights Park will take less than three minutes to circumnavigate.
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