At this month’s meeting of the Victory Heights Community Council, David VanderZee from Metro Transit spoke about the proposed changes to transit service coming in 2021 when link light rail comes to Northgate.
Read the entire minutes of the February meeting.
Many routes in north of the ship canal will be affected by the proposed changes come September 2021 that aims to have much of the service transfer riders to the new light rail service for the final few miles downtown. Read about proposed route changes around Victory Heights.
The hope is the inconvenience of having to switch between a bus and a train will be offset with more frequent, reliable service, particularly during rush hour. To that end, the new stations at Northgate, Roosevelt and Brooklyn in the U District, are being designed so buses can load and unload as close to the station entrances as possible, something not really possible at Husky Stadium (“lessons were learned,” we were told).
In other news, the Lake City Value Village location is going to be replaced with 260 units of affordable housing in a 5-6 story structure.
The Safety committee of the community council is looking at how we can repair and replace the wooden fence that runs along the east side of Victory Heights Park.
Our next meeting is at 7 PM on Tuesday, March 17th at the co-op preschool building in Victory Heights Park.